Sunday, 25 March 2007

Yorkshire Puddings

A bit of a random post this one. I love my Sunday roast, lamb, roast potatoes, sweet potatoes, veg and yorkshire puddings. But I could never make decent Yorkshire puddings. Try as I might they would end up looking like flat round rubbery inedible things until I found this recipe.

1. Put some olive oil, goose fat or if you want to be 100% authentic bacon fat in a cake tray.

2. Crank you oven up to about gas mark 7 or 8. ( I don't know what that is in degrees, just hot)

3. Take 3 eggs, a cup of flour and a cup of milk add a pinch of salt and a delicate sprinkle of pepper.

4. Whisk the bastard like a mad man until all the lumps are gone.

5. Add the batter to the cake trays but make sure the fat is hot (it should bubble when you put the batter in).

6. Wait 20 minutes and you will have huge gorgeous Yorkshire puddings the size of small houses.

This recipe is for a family of 10 so if you want less I would half the quantity. What a wonderful useful blog this is.

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

An Answer To The Housing Crisis

Huf Haus is a German firm that sell flat pack houses. I know what your thinking, it sounds awful, but you will be sorely mistaken. From what I can make out there prices start at £120 per square foot. These wonderfully stylish houses are manufactured in Germany and shipped to the UK and installed by a team of German builders. The end result is a stunningly modern house designed the way that you want it and for half of what you would pay a builder to construct a house in this country. The whole transaction from beginning to end only takes a few months. All you need is a plot of land and they do the rest.

The Milk desk would fit nicely in your open plan study.

Yum yum.

Huf Haus

Saturday, 17 March 2007


Just Perfect for an '8 Core' MacPro

This gorgeous desk (called MILK) has been designed (by Soren Kjaer) specifically for Macs. Just look at the clean lines, the geometry, the symmetry - as you can see it appeals to my eighties lineage.

Learn more a about MILK...

Currently lost inside the depths of XML

Friday, 9 March 2007

Annoying Advert Of The Month

There is a chewing gum war brewing. I bet you didn't know but Cadburys are aiming to muscle in on Wrigleys domination of the market. They are doing this by releasing Trident, unfortunately this chewing gum war has spwaned an abomination, those fucking mentally retarded annoying fucking adverts. A series of cocks spout shit about mastication for the nation. I can just imagine it, at a board meeting the company execs and advertising team sitting around the table bouncing ideas around.

"Yes wouldn't it be funny Toby if we used the phrase mastication for the nation because it sounds like masturbation gufaw gufaw!".

"Ya Ya, Tim I think thats an excellent idea, you really think outside the box in a kind of blue sky way can you give me a ball park figure on the stats."

AGHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Stop please. You would have thought that they'd realise that it was annoying. Why not get good writers and comedians on board to actually write funny adverts. The times companies have done this the adverts have been a success, take the John Smiths adverts with Peter Kay.

We have to have standards. We can put a stop to these adverts and we can do this by not buying their chewing gum. I for one will not be buying it and I suggest you join me comrades!

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

The Welfare 'State'

Oh, are the Labour Government finally realizing the piss poor situation the UK is in? Will all the caring and sharing bollocks of the 1990s finally prove to be a flawed pile of unrealistic crap? Does Labour like the shitty taste of the cake they have baked during the past ten years?

Well, in case you are lost - I am talking about our glorious welfare state that has been manipulated and mangled to make Britain the world's number one incubator of 'fuck-ups'. Guess what? YOU ARE PAYING... WITH YOUR TAXES... WITH THE PRECIOUS TIME SPENT AWAY FROM YOUR CHILDREN WHILST YOU AND YOUR PARTNER WORK ALL THE HOURS TO SUPPORT A LIFESTYLE IN RIP-OFF BRITAIN.

The politicians figured out years ago that any civilized society would need to support the weaker MINORITY elements for the greater good. I accept and welcome that concept - however the MINORITY are fast becoming the MAJORITY, and in ten to fifteen years we will truly see the effect if the tide does not change.

Well, alas, the money is running out and SINGLE MOTHERS WHO TAKE THE PISS and other PONCES OF THE STATE have got their cards marked.

I have paid back my loans and grants TENFOLD since graduating in 2000 - it is called getting out of bed and making a fucking effort

Monday, 5 March 2007

Premium Rate Phone-ins

I have mentioned these phone-ins in a previous blog and guess what? ITV have suspended their premium rate phone ins. Hooray! There has been mistakes on stuuf like x-factor and Richard and Judy. One of these phone-in programs had a competition called "whats in my handbag?" Well it was a balaclava and rawlplugs. Ladies I know you never leave home without them.

Is it me or is this country designed to take money off you. Especially the working tax payer.

Income Support

Tony and Gordon have suggested that the jobless need to make "an even greater effort" to go to work. So all you people who think its a full time job smoking weed and watching Jeremy Kyle have to go back to work or you wil get you benefits cut. All you mothers who who produce these hoodies will have to go back to work when your kids are in school. That's not to much to ask is it?

Being a mother is a hard job and their are genuine cases where a parent dies or leaves and the family breaks up. Im not talking about you guys. It's the dishonest ones im targeting.

I know of a specific case, a single mother with six kids and a life on benefit. Where is the father? He must have been around for the conception. I suggest you shut your legs you fat slag.

In Denmark 80% of parents are in waged employment, why aren't our mothers? I know of quite a few examples of young women who keep spreading their legs and squirting out little cunts. They don't work and their boyfriends/husbands are on the sick or income support. They see it as their divine right to have kids. It's the one thing they can do without fucking up, oh and they can claim off the system. They are very good at doing that.

Income support and sick benefit was put their as a back up not a way of life