A bit of a random post this one. I love my Sunday roast, lamb, roast potatoes, sweet potatoes, veg and yorkshire puddings. But I could never make decent Yorkshire puddings. Try as I might they would end up looking like flat round rubbery inedible things until I found this recipe.
1. Put some olive oil, goose fat or if you want to be 100% authentic bacon fat in a cake tray.
2. Crank you oven up to about gas mark 7 or 8. ( I don't know what that is in degrees, just hot)
3. Take 3 eggs, a cup of flour and a cup of milk add a pinch of salt and a delicate sprinkle of pepper.
4. Whisk the bastard like a mad man until all the lumps are gone.
5. Add the batter to the cake trays but make sure the fat is hot (it should bubble when you put the batter in).
6. Wait 20 minutes and you will have huge gorgeous Yorkshire puddings the size of small houses.
This recipe is for a family of 10 so if you want less I would half the quantity. What a wonderful useful blog this is.