Monday, 5 March 2007

Income Support

Tony and Gordon have suggested that the jobless need to make "an even greater effort" to go to work. So all you people who think its a full time job smoking weed and watching Jeremy Kyle have to go back to work or you wil get you benefits cut. All you mothers who who produce these hoodies will have to go back to work when your kids are in school. That's not to much to ask is it?

Being a mother is a hard job and their are genuine cases where a parent dies or leaves and the family breaks up. Im not talking about you guys. It's the dishonest ones im targeting.

I know of a specific case, a single mother with six kids and a life on benefit. Where is the father? He must have been around for the conception. I suggest you shut your legs you fat slag.

In Denmark 80% of parents are in waged employment, why aren't our mothers? I know of quite a few examples of young women who keep spreading their legs and squirting out little cunts. They don't work and their boyfriends/husbands are on the sick or income support. They see it as their divine right to have kids. It's the one thing they can do without fucking up, oh and they can claim off the system. They are very good at doing that.

Income support and sick benefit was put their as a back up not a way of life

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