I pay for a 20mb connection with Virgin Media. So I would imagine that I would get between 15mb - 20 mb. 15 mb when there is a lot of traffic. Would you say that was reasonable? Well I phone Virgin Media and they warned me that I could experience lows of 6mb which is more or less a quarter of the speed they told me I would get. Do you smell something a little fishy here? It's 11 o'clock on a Friday night and I am getting 11.6mb download and 0.7 upload. I get the feeling I am being conned. What a fucking liberty. What the hell am I paying for. If I buy a car I don't expect just the front half I expect the whole fucking thing. How the hell can these bastard companies get away with this? It's fraud plain and simple and this is not just Virgin Media, this is all broadband providers. What is Ofcom doing about this? Fuck all that's what. I just checked it again, 12mb download and 0.7mb upload.
This is the shit they sell you on there website. "It's here! 20Mb broadband for XL customers. That's right from May 1st our flagship XL broadband service is rolling out to a supersonic 20Mb. Although the existing 10Mb service is already four times faster than other industry players, we've decided to step on the gas and double the speed.
Download an MP3 track in 2 seconds or an episode of your favourite TV show in just two and a half minutes".
Is it bollocks, It looks like the public is being ripped off yet again.
To quote Which? Online Editor Malcolm Coles:
"It’s shocking that Internet service providers can advertise ever-increasing speeds that seem to bear little resemblance to what most people can achieve in reality. If it’s unlikely you’ll reach the advertised speed it should be made clear up front, so that you know with some certainty what you’re buying. Do your research to check what speed you’re likely to get before upgrading, and if you think what you’re getting differs vastly from what you’ve paid for, speak to your provider – or if they won’t help, report them to Ofcom."
find out your broadband speed
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