I guess you have all seen those adverts for people who have suffered injuries at work. "I sued the company because someone gave me the wrong ladder". Were you blessed with the gift of sight? Well if you were didn't you realise it was the wrong fucking ladder? I guess you have been doing your job for a long time? Well you should know that you need to use the right ladder. Call me stupid but thats a basic hard wired mechanism in every human being, if I put my hand into a blender it's going to hurt. Fucking moron and the other silly cow who slips on a wet floor. Open your eyes you silly mare. £7500 he had for that fall off a ladder and what else did he have for the adverts, and for what? If you see something that looks a little dodgy for example a drill with wires hanging out and sparks cascading off it, then I would hazard a guess that it might be dangerous and that I shouldn't pick it up.
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