This is 21st Century and we still have masses of people who believe in religion. Religion is dying out in Europe well it’s dying out amongst the richer nations. I remember when I was a kid that most people went to Sunday school and believed in god. I was told that is the truth and not to question it. But somewhere deep inside it didn’t quite ring true. Adam and Eve, snakes, Noah’s ark, the parting of the red sea and Jesus turning water into wine. I always thought of Jesus as some sort of Paul Daniels figure doing tricks with loaves and fishes and stuff to impress his mates. But because I was young and impressionable I bought into it. Everybody else believes it so I guess they must be right. Problem was I got older and educated and I started to think for myself and Im not having it. What a load of crap. I was lied to.
What is it? It’s about control, it’s a way of people controlling people. Getting the masses to do your bidding and keeping order. It’s been the same since the dawn of time, the Incas worshipped Inti the sun god, Christians worshipped God, Muslims worship Allah and you know what? Not one of them can prove they exist. In fact I will give anyone £5000 if they can prove to me god exists in any form. No bullshit. I will give you £5000 ($9000) if any one person can prove to me god exists. This offer stands for the rest of time. Im deadly serious.
The one really scary thing for religious people is they can’t face the fact that when they die there is nothing. Thats it. Your dead. No more just decomposing flesh turning into dust. Thats to painful for them to comprehend for a second. Allah is fictitious, a mythical figure with no more grounding in reality than Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. Sorry to burst your bubble about Santa kids. Same applies to God, Jesus, Buddha whoever. Made up fairy stories. Why are they all vying for competition. My god is the one true god! Islam states “There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”. Statements like this is how wars start.
Are you as sick as I am with all this religious shit you hear day to day? Well you can shut up any religious nut who starts preaching this mumbo jumbo with two words “prove it”. They will probably reply with bullshit about it is written in the Koran and so it must be true, to which you reply “prove it”. But you will go to hell if you do not believe! “prove it”.
Thing is they can’t prove it.
I was thinking of starting my own religion. The church of Toblerone. We will worship the sacred triangular chocolate and so it is written in the book of confectionery there can be only one true deity and that deity is Toblerone. Milk chocolate heavenliness with little nougat bits. Maybe other opposing chocolate religions will form and we will have a big chocolate war YEAH! You may thing Im talking complete bull shit and you would be right, but Im just trying to illustrate a point.
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