Thursday, 22 February 2007

Windows Vista

3D Windows, Man!

So have you downloaded, borrowed - uh hum, I mean purchased Microsoft Vista 'Ultimate' yet? If so, I hope you are enjoying the 'new' experience that us Mac Users have relished for some years now... Still, this is not going to be some rambling attack at Microsoft - in fact I am glad they are they are starting to get their 'shit' together and offer a better user experience with liquid graphics and a recycle bin that looks like a trash can. Further, with features such as translucency, 3D views, gadgets and abstract desktop wallpaper - I am positivley drooling and cannot wait to create a new virtual machine in Parallels for this baby, although M$ may have something to say about that (a whole other rant I shall save for a rainy day!).

Despite my obvious sarcasm, Vista is indeed a positive step forward for both the consumer and business user. For twenty or so years, Microsoft has got away with and made billions from the 'that will do' model. Now time has caught up with the guys from Redmond, as after two decades of computing - users are now far more sophisticated. In 1981, the very fact the DOS prompt appeared was enough. When Windows 1.0 emerged, the fact that you did not have to use the DOS prompt so much was enough. When Windows 95 kind of worked, that was enough. You get the idea...

Hopefully Microsoft understand they can no longer churn out third rate products that users lap up by default. With Vista, I really think they are beginning to turn a corner - even if that means pinching a few ideas from Apple.

Abort, Error, Re-try

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