Thursday, 19 April 2007

Rip Off Britain

I have just been watching Newsnight, and Jan Raven (dead ringers) said that Gordon Brown is a nice guy and we should all get off his back and judge him on what he has done as a chancellor. Am I missing something? House prices climbing, inflation's rising, wages aren't rising in line with inflation, the average young couple can't afford a mortgage, a lack of investment in schools and colleges, the NHS on its arse, record personal lending, pension shortfall, young cunts on the street causing mayhem and then hiding behind the law when they get reprimanded, extortionate road tax, extortionate tax on your hard earned money. Well done Gordon you have done a great job!

Come election time if you are as pissed of as I am with this government and all the other parties then make a protest vote by not voting. I don't want Gordon as PM and I can't remember the government asking us who we want as our prime minister. some times these arseholes lose sight of the fact they are here to serve us and not help themselves.

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